May 18 - 22 COVID - 19 School Schedule

Week 1 of space was a lot of fun. It was also an extremely busy week but with all of the space activities it kept us entertained. We are looking forward to Space week 2 when we can explore other planets and features of our solar system.

Our plants are really doing well for the most part. We have started to acclimatize them by giving them time outside during the day when the weather has warmed up enough. I used my husbands "meat" bins for when he butchers to carry them in and out of the house and it seems to work well. So far they are all doing well with the changes in temperature, and wind.

This weekend we are also planning on getting our gardens ready so that once the weather looks like it has officially warmed up for good then we can start to do our planting. We are also going to pick up a few plants that either didn't take when we planted their seeds, or I couldn't find seeds for. I am also hoping to pick up some other jalapeno pepper plants to see which ones we have more success with. We also love to add jalapeno peppers to a lot of our cooking (bagels, jalapeno popper chicken, etc) as well as just throwing a jalapeno on top of a freshly BBQ'd steak!

Space Week 2 Activities:

Monday: (No School) Victoria Day

Reading: Neptune Facts video, Neptune "far, far away" (EPIC) & take the quiz
Writing: What did you do over the long weekend and draw a picture.
Craft: Name rockets (as we didn't get to it last week)
Math: Hopscotch counting

Reading: Learning about the Moon and it's Phases video, Our Moon "Brightest object in night sky" (EPIC) & take the quiz
Writing: What is a fact about the moon and draw a picture.
Snack: Moon Snacks (rice cakes with peanut butter, sliced banana and cheerios)
Math: Online math practice
STEM: Moon Rock Experiment

Reading: Mars Facts video, Mars (EPIC) & take the quiz
Writing: Do you think there is life on Mar? Why or why not? draw a picture of what you would look like if you traveled to Mars.
Snack: Making Muffins with my sons class on Zoom
Math: Basic math practice or online math

Reading: Black Holes Explained for Kids video, Exploring Blackholes (EPIC) & take the quiz
Writing: which planet was your favourite to learn about and why?
Math: Counting activities with household toys or objects found outside.
STEM: Water and oil experiment (I've even seen a video where they add an alka seltzer tablet after adding the food colouing to see what happens)

Well space has been a lot of fun but now its time to head back to Earth and explore some of the beautiful creatures that we have...


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